Saturday, 27 May 2017

Day 11 - Naramata to Rock Creek

Yesterday was a nice push through the Okanagan Valley towards the mountains.

First I had a beautiful ride down to Osoyoos where I fueled up at the local Timmy's. Then I conquered the Anarchist--it was so fun that I wanted more. I ended up cycling 115km to a campsite just outside of Rock Creek.

Tonight I'll stay at the bottom of another massive climb (In a place calked Christina Lake) and hopefully tomorrow I'll make it at least to Castlegar.

Just bare bones service out here-- used wet naps to "shower" last night at 7 when I arrived and paid $1 for this Wi-Fi.

Take a look at these pictures! What a paradise I've stumbled upon

Leaving Naramata
On the KVR.. Much better around here
Getting to know my bike
Rivers are overflowing like this everywhere
Vaseaux Lake
Nice Mountain

Around Oliver.. Do people climb this?
Nothing but fruit farms and vinyards for miles
Canadian Desert near Osoyoos
Did you know we have rattlesnakes?
Clmbing the anarchist looking at Osoyoos
I thought I was at the top...
On the other side
Beautiful countryside
Grassy Fields
My campsite near Rock Creek
Boiling Advisory in effect
A few pictures alluded me 1/3
Paradise 2/3
Top of anarchist saying goodbye to Osoyoos 3/3

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Day 5 - Othello to Cold Spring Campsite

Originall. Ty, I planned on travelling all the way to Princeton, but after seeing the vertical climb on the #3 road between hope and the Sunshine Valley, I caught on that my 5-8km/h average wasn't going to cut it.

It was exhausting and beautiful. No I didn't see any bears going through Manning Park and that's OK.

In the late afternoon I took a look at the map and saw that I had only gone half of the 135km 2000m vertical climb that I had planned. My knee was hurting too. It was time to camp.

Unfortunately there were no campsites available, but a kind couple waved me down and invited me to join them.

Jacques, Tami and Cinder, thank you!
I had a great time with you and your friends

Packing up
Beautiful countryside
Sunshine Valley
Another climb outside of the valley
Snow at the top
Beautiful but cold on the other sidr

Day 9 and 10 - Naramata

After the KVT trail I decided to make a stop at my auntie Jan's house where her and her husband graciously hosted me for two nights in  Naramata. I was able to chat and relax over a beer and burger and even celebrate a close  friend of Jan's birthday with everyone. There were a few cyclists in the group and they all gave me advice for the next leg of my journey.

It was also a great chance to fix my bike, clean up and catch up with my writjng.
Thanks Jan and Chris!

Time to do some climbing again!

Bring it on!
Next step Osoyoos

Short Cycle to Naramata 
Almost there
Ready to go

Day 8 - Three Lakes Region to Penticton

I woke up feeling refreshed and packed my bags taking my time as usual.

There were a couple of cyclists and park ranger who gave me  advice:

Apparently the trail condition improves after the dam up the road they said.

Apparently taking the trail allows cyclists to avoid switchbacks and hilly terrain on the gravel road.

Begrudgingly, I decided to take the trail. It was rough for awhile but I expected as much. As they said, the trail was a straight shot through and although I bailed a few times and broke another clip, I was able to pass the dam without any major problems.

After that was some of the best trail riding I've ever been on. I rode into Summersville with a smile on my face and started towards a campground. That was harder than  expected, so I ended up staying in Skaha lake in Penticton.

In the middle of the night there was a wind storm. I was busy making sure my stuff didn't fly away, but all is ok. My tent held fast.

Look at this slice of paradise
The road wasn't too bad
Here we go again! 
The trail gets better after the dam
Smooth sailing-- great cycling downhill
Campsite under water
Feeling good about this trail
All sorts of interesting terrain
Looking at the map to summerville
Way up
Going down
Skaha Beach in Penticton
Storm ? What storm?
Camp for the night

Day 7 - Princeton to the 3 Lakes Region

I started on the KVR (Kettle Valley Railway) which is part of the Trans Canada Trail in the late morning. It was a little rocky and sandy but the first 20km between Princeton and the 3 lakes region was ridable.

My brother suggested that I try it and I thought of all sorts of jokes to tell him about the rocky surface of the trail-- but it was certainly beautiful--especially at the top looking down into the valley. Around the first tressle, the condition became worse.

With my 60kgs of gear, soft sand and melon sized ankle-busters interdespersed between the  sand, I was going 7km an hour and crashing in an unnavigable mess when things were bad

ATVs and dirt bikes have been sharing the trail and unfortunately it's just not meant for a bike like mine in that section of the trail.

I had injured myself, lost some things and broken one one of the clips for my saddle bags. To top it all off, I also had a bungee wrap itself around my rear sprocket and I had to cut it with a knife.

Carrying half of the gear on my back, I went to the main road via a logging road and then somehow made it to Osprey Lake.

Lake Osprey is half way between Princeton and Summersville but there's no potable water, but there were a few people there and I really enjoyed my time-- even jumped into the water!

Despite the difficulty of the trail it was a nice result!

Famous local bakery in Princeton
KVR in Princeton -- Deceptively paved
beautiful grasslands just out of town
Getting rockier
Great area
Side mirror selfie
I'm the only person for miles 
At the top where the trail starts getting bad. 
Very beautiful
Ironically the area its referring to wasnt so bad-- it gets worse
Like quicksand on my bike
Made it to the 1st tressle before asking some dirtbikers how to get down
Made it
Needs repair